Do Cats Eat Hamsters? Here’s What You Need to Know

Whether your beloved pet cat provides you with constant comfort inside the workplace or likes to roam outside occasionally, all cats are natural predators.
If you’ve ever found a bird at your doorstep – or perhaps a roughed-up cat toy in your draw — you know that domesticated cats retain much of the killer instinct of their larger wild feline relatives.
But do cats eat hamsters? The short answer is yes, but let’s take a closer look at why.
Hamsters and Cats Don’t Often Mix
Both cats and hamsters make wonderful pets. Cats can be mischievous, loving, or a little bit of both. Hamsters are high-energy and fun to play with.
Both are relatively clean pets and quiet. Sometimes they can live together, but sometimes they cannot.
So do cats eat hamsters? Some may, but some cats may also prefer to attack them rather than devour them. While cats have an innate sense to play and attack anything, hamsters may be an irresistible foe or treat.
Cats love the hunt, whether they are inside or outside cats. And to cats, hamsters fall into the family of one of their favourite forms of prey — the mouse.
For cats, attacking or even eating hamsters feel natural. But it doesn’t have to happen.

My Cat Just Ate my Hamster!
If the inevitable has happened, you may be saddened for the hamster and worried for the cat.
But rest assured, your cat should be fine, after all… Cat’s can eat raw meat now and again! In the wild cats normally eat small rodents such as mice.
But, if you notice your cat acting differently, or experiencing nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea, you should contact your vet for advice.
How Hamsters and Cats Can Co-Exist
As a pet owner, the power is in your hands to help your cat and hamster live together peacefully. But when it comes down to it, it’s probably best for both (and you) to keep them apart.
The first step: Keep your hamster in a place where you believe your cat is least likely to be tempted by it
Sure, cats naturally roam around, but there are likely spots in your home where they are less likely to explore or can spots where it would be difficult for them to encounter your hamster.
Try to separate the two as much as possible. In addition — and this is a must — be sure that your hamster’s habitat is impenetrable by your cat.
Protect your hamster with a strong Cage
There are several hamster cages or safe enclosures available that are cat-proof. Make sure any lid is heavy and provides a tight close. If your hamster’s cage is metal, make sure its slats are not too wide so your hamster can escape or your cat can reach in.
Are hamsters in exercise balls, safe from cats?
If your hamster is inside the hamster ball, and your cat is in the same room, manage the situation, and make sure the cat is behaving and not trying to bite or swat the hamster ball with its paws.
Remember, hamsters are small and therefore, will likely be scared of any animal larger than themselves, including cats. They will probably not want to be around your cat, and you can help your cat learn that your hamster is off-limits.
In time, your cat and hamster may be comfortable with each other. But be vigilant, as cats have natural hunting instincts.
What should Cats Eat?
Cats love meat. Protein from meat is essential to a cats diet for a strong heart, cats eye vision, and a healthy reproductive system. Cooked chicken, beef and turkey, and a small amount of pork is a great way to give them the needed nutrients.
Be careful with giving your cat too much fat and bone, as it’s dangerous for your cat’s health. Raw or spoiled meat could make your cat sick, and can cause intestinal upset, with vomiting and diarrhoea. Bones can be choked on and can splinter or obstruct the insides of your cat.
What do cats like to eat other than meat?
It’s very natural for cats to eat meat. However, there are some alternative foods your cat could try, some include;
Not only hamsters like cheese, but cats also do as well! Cheese is high in calcium and protein, so the next time you are eating your cheese sandwich at lunch, you can slip a bit to the cat!
You can share certain fruits with your cat. Cats are allowed to eat Bananas, Apples, strawberries, Blueberries and seedless melons.
Beware, never feed your cat cherries, grapes or raisins, as they are extremely toxic to cats.
While carrots may not help you see in the dark, they are great to crunch on. If feeding carrots to your cat, make sure they are soft, because your cat may choke if the carrots are hard.
If your cat is having digestive problems, mixing some rice into the cat’s diet will do wonders.
Eggs have healing properties and are very rich in Protein, just what cats need. Sharing eggs with your cat will make them healthier and leaner.
What To Do If There’s Trouble
Even with the above precautions, things happen. If your cat attacks your hamster and causes an injury such as a bite or scratch, and your hamster miraculously beat all the odds in surviving. It’s a good idea to bring your hamster to an emergency veterinarian for a checkup.
Apart from the physical injury, some cats can transfer bacteria through bites and scratches, your hamster may need an injection or some antibiotics.
The bottom line of the question, “do cats eat hamsters?”: Yes, it can happen. But if you take some easy precautions and keep a close watch, it’s a situation that can easily be avoided.