Do Dobermanns Eat Fish?

If you’ve got a Doberman, it’s really important to know what your dog can and cannot eat. Understanding good food safety will keep them happy and healthy for as long as possible – so can a Doberman eat a fish?
A Doberman can and usually will eat fish, yes. Fish are a good source of protein and most dogs enjoy them, including most Dobermans. However, you do need to make sure you are feeding your dog a balanced diet, and not giving them too much fish.
In this article, we’re going to be finding out more about the ideal diet for Dobermans, so you know exactly what your dog can and can’t have!
Do Dobermans Eat Fish?
Dobermans do generally eat fish, yes. If you leave fish lying around on a counter or if you drop some on the floor, you will probably find that your Doberman quickly finishes it off. Fish is a good source of protein and most dogs are very keen on protein-rich foods.
However, it’s important to note that not all Dobermans will eat fish – and some will only eat certain kinds of fish. Like humans, dogs have unique tastes, and what one dog loves, another will ignore or avoid.
Some dogs will only eat parts of the fish, and others will reject it entirely. Your Doberman’s preferences will be unique to them, so spend some time experimenting and find out what they love and what they hate.
Can Dobermans Eat Fish?
Of course, dogs don’t always know what they should and shouldn’t eat – so the next important question is whether fish is a healthy thing for your dog to eat.
The good news is that fish is generally safe for canines, and it can be used alongside other sources of protein, like chicken, to create a balanced diet. Fish that has a high oil content is often considered particularly healthy (depending on the other components of your dog’s diet).
Some dog owners home-make their dog’s food, and include fish as a component of it. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and it’s thought that these may be able to do things like decrease inflammation.
If you’re going to offer your Doberman fish, you should test a small amount first to see whether it causes any stomach upset or discomfort. Although most Dobermans can eat fish without an issue, every dog is unique.
Some Dobermans may be allergic to fish (or certain types of fish), and others may experience stomach upsets and other issues.
It’s always a good idea to feed new foods in a small amount while you check how your dog responds to them. Once you know that your Doberman enjoys fish, you can start offering it regularly.
Can Dobermans Eat Raw Fish?
It is not generally considered wise to feed raw fish to your dog, no. Although most dogs have good enough digestive systems and sufficiently strong immune systems to deal with parasites and bacteria that may be present in raw fish, it creates unnecessary risk.
Raw fish is often home to intestinal parasites that may infect your dog, and it’s a breeding ground for salmonella and other food-borne bacteria.
Cooked fish will be free from parasites and any bacteria present in it will have been killed by the cooking process. This makes it much safer to consume.
You should therefore avoid giving your Doberman raw fish. Some owners do feed their Dobermans raw fish and, if properly prepared and handled with care, this can be safe – but it’s generally considered better not to do it.
Can My Doberman Eat Tuna?
On the whole, tuna is not an advisable food to give to all dogs including Doberman, although a small amount as a treat should not be harmful. There are a few reasons that tuna isn’t considered particularly healthy.
One of the big ones is its mercury levels. Tuna is a large, long-lived fish, which means that it tends to absorb a lot of mercury over its lifetime. If your Doberman eats a lot of tuna, this could lead to mercury poisoning.
Additionally, canned tuna is usually unsuitable because it tends to be very salty. The salt helps to preserve the fish, but it’s not good for your pet. Tuna in brine is problematic for this reason.
Tuna in sunflower oil can also be an issue, because in large quantities, sunflower oil causes unhealthy weight gain and possibly inflammation. A small amount of drained tuna should be okay.
You can also give your Doberman small amounts of tuna in springwater, or choose fresh tuna for them, but be aware that the mercury levels are still an issue and could be harmful to your pet.
If you are going to feed your Doberman tuna, look for short-lived, smaller varieties, as these will have a lower mercury content. Skipjack is a good option.
What Can Dobermans Not Eat?
There are many foods your Doberman should not eat, and it’s important to be aware of these so you can keep your pet safe and healthy at all times.
Firstly, as mentioned above, avoid feeding your Doberman raw seafood unless you are an expert in how to prepare this safely. Even then, it carries some risks in terms of intestinal parasites.
Dogs can have most fish that are considered fit for human consumption, but make sure they are fresh, and not likely to have become a breeding ground for bacteria.
Other foods that aren’t safe for a Doberman include things like:
- Avocado
- Grapefruits
- Grapes
- Onions
- Garlic
- Chocolate
- Broccoli
- Cherries
- Dairy products
- Raisins
- Artificial sweeteners
- Lemons
- Caffeine
It’s crucial to be aware of these (and any other) dangerous foods before you feed your Doberman, especially if you plan on giving them leftovers that may contain things like onions. Good education on food safety is vital for Doberman owners.
Dobermans generally do eat and enjoy fish, as long as it has been correctly prepared. It can be a healthy source of protein, and it’s lean, with lots of fatty acids that are good for your pet. Make sure you prepare the fish correctly and only feed it in small quantities while you determine whether your dog responds well to it.