5 Reasons Why Every Workplace Needs A Cat (Or Several)
Many pets are great for the workplace. Cats in particular make great pets, they smell good and are ideal companions for people who work full-time and need to get their heads down without worrying about anything, in-fact studies have shown cats are great for your mental health. They are low-maintenance animals and don’t make much noise. Cats are ideal for the workplace and don’t take up much space. Here are 5 reasons why we believe that every workplace needs a Cat.
1. Cats Are Clean Animals & Don’t Need To Go Outside
Cats spend much of their time grooming themselves, so you will rarely have to bathe your feline friend. They tend to smell much better than most animals in the workplace as well, including that colleague who piles up dirty cups. Cats don’t need to be taken outside for a toilet break, especially when you need to be finishing off a project. While no one enjoys cleaning the litter box, it is still much easier and quicker. Just remember, use the pet bin.. If your office doesn’t have one, dispose of your cat’s litter somewhere else.
2. Are cats quiet inside the office?
If noise levels are a concern in your working environment, cats are a great choice of pet. Cats are naturally always in stealth mode, meowing is generally very quiet. You only may need to worry about things being knocked over or if there’s a fish or hamster in view. Be mindful of other workplace pets if there are any!
3. Can Cats be left alone in the workplace?
They can be left alone all day while you are busy with that important project. Just make sure you know where they are at all times, and use your best judgement. Cats are also less prone to separation anxiety than some other animals. However, you could introduce your cat to a colleague’s cat, especially if you plan to spend a lot of days in the office.
4. Are Cats excellent office companions?
Every workplace needs a Cat. They like to sit quietly near their favourite person while working. This is usually the person who feeds, plays and gives them catnip, So don’t ignore your cat or risk losing him or her! There is nothing better than a cat purring on your lap when you are feeling a little stressed out. Cats can be very affectionate, which brings me to the next point…
5. Are Cats good for your office health?
Like most pets, studies have shown that cats have a calming effect on their owners. Great if you need to relax after all those stressful meetings. Cats can play a part in lowering your blood pressure and risk of a heart attack. According to the University of York, Cats have even been linked to “maintaining better mental health and reducing loneliness during lockdown.” When hearing a Cat purr, many people feel a sense of relaxation.
Cats are excellent animals to keep in the workplace. I strongly believe that Every Workplace Needs A Cat, but should you like to explore some other workplace pet options, here are four other pet choices to choose from.